Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The meat market

So, I finally caved and posted a personal ad on CraigsList Boston this afternoon. Surprisingly I got several responses in a 4 hour period. I was really excited when I saw the full inbox, but only came up with a few serious contentions. Really, I'm freaked by the whole cyber-dating thing. Sure, we'll trade several emails between us but really, can you trust what that person is saying?
And this has me thinking about how I present myself to the outside world, as in how I phrased certain things in my ad, what information I chose to share on the World Wide Web, etc. Am I subconsciously characterizing myself to the standards of what society has deemed attractive? Unfortunately, yes. Yes, I worded a few phrases so it seems like I'm a fun-loving undergrad who's athletic with a fun personality, so naturally I would be a beauty. I want to say that last part was unintentional, but who am I kidding? For my defense, everything I said on the ad was true. It's just that I can just imagine the image of the gal guys got when reading my post, and yes I intentionally steered them in that direction.

Should I be mortifed that I succumbed and posted a personal ad? Does that cry of desperation?

Sadly, I think the answers are ringingly clear.

Nevertheless, if anything interesting comes up, I'll post about it.


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