Sunday, February 05, 2006

F-truck shenanigans

So B called tonight inviting me out with a bunch of people for a drink. We were going to take the 10:00 Senate bus so I figured since it was late, not many people would be on this bus. More likely, people took the earlier buses to take full advantage of the young Saturday night.


Or at least, we got stuck with an exceptionally obnoxious bunch of people. There were two distinguishable groups that were causing the greatest annoyances. One of them got on my nerves even before getting on the bus. They were overly loud, rude first years speaking at about 3x the normal volume. They would not end this one conversation about the difference between "bell" and "bail." Just shut up, damn it. We don't care that you can pronounce them the same way with an accent. And you really don't need to talk that loudly when your friend is 2 inches away, or for that long about this stupid topic. They were especially annoying because one of the girls was the girl I almost got in a fight with. It still makes my blood boil each time I see her.
The second group became a problem right as we sat down. They had obviously pre-partied before getting on and continuing their pre-partying right on the bus with their multiple bottles of Coke and Diet Coke (clandestinely hiding rum). They all had the tell-tale signs of Big Party Getup: hair perfectly straightened, wearing cutsey tight clothes, overly worked makeup, talking about what they'll do once arriving at Party, quickly downing as much alcohol as possible. This last one was quite amusing to watch. One girl in particular who refused to sit down in her seat but instead insisted on leaning backwards across the aisle so she could swish her newly-straightened hair in her friend's lap made the most dramatic face as she gulped rum from the Coke bottle. She would make a dramatic face and then chase it down with some Coke. God, was I ever this young and immature?

The rest of the night was pretty fun. We went to this place on Mass Ave, I've already forgotten the name. It's Something St. It was classier than the bars I usually go to. We ordered drinks and appetizers, fun was had all around. It was JJ, H, B, Barb, and me. They're a pretty fun group, especially JJ and Barb, but sometimes I feel weirdly put out. I don't normally hang out with them on campus; we seem to hook up more when we go out. It's not that I would mind if we hung out more (except H who can be quite annoying), but we don't normally run in the same crowd on campus. Weird how that is. [Note to self: B is not as fun when she's drunk. She's bordering on "obnoxious drunk."] While it was a fun night, I would have appreciated a bit more "bar" scene rather than a sit-down. When I go out, I want to meet and mingle among other people. That's what I miss from DC. However, it seems like the perfect place for a first-date if that ever comes around.

Just finished reading: Olive's Ocean, a Newbery Honor Book. I don't understand why it was an Honor book, I didn't find it especially well-written or had a powerful message. It's one of those feel good enders. One thing I did find interesting was that it was written by a guy on a topic I normally expect from women writers. Oh, and also that I now like the name "Tate."

Currently procrastinating from: Sleep. And my HIST 306 & 251 readings. Damn school - always in the way.


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