Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You and me, and apparently everyone else out there

Apparently everyone is out to get me.
No, I'm not being paranoid, I'm just snippy that my first choice in a blog name has already been taken. And for no good reason! I tried two different combinations: justyouandme.blogspot and itsjustyouandme.blogspot but they're both taken and the last posts on these sites date back to 2004. So the domain names have been given away but they're not being put to use. Damnit, just give it to me! I'll use it!
I have a certain affiniation to these combos because they happen to be very closely tied to my name. No, Jocykes isn't my real name. Yes, the "you and me" phrase can be seen as a corny, cutesy wording all about love and soulmates and other bs, but I'm not like that! Seriously, it's so appropriate for me.

Currently procrastinating from: reading for history class again from Indians and Colonists at the Crossroads of Empire by Timothy J. Shannon. Got about 100+ pages to go tonight.


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