Sunday, February 12, 2006

A busy weekend

It's been one hell of a week.

I met up with two responders of my CL post on Wednesday and Saturday. And can I just say, why the hell can't guys turn off their cell phones? Why must they keep them on, and even answer them when you're meeting someone, and presumably trying to make a good first impression. Why the unnecessary interruptions, eh? Must I know how "cool" you are because someone's always trying to talk to you?
Ok, rant over. Both guys, now to be addressed as D and A, respectively, were nice although I'm more interested in A. However, it seems D is more serious about this and he's more about moving the relationship along. We were going to meet up again today but there's apparently a blizzard going on outside. Yesterday, A made the nonsensical comment: "I'll call you sometime" at the end of our meeting (I refuse to call them dates). Ugh. What the hell does that mean? I thought we had fun, but perhaps not. I told myself I wouldn't be one of those girls and try to analyze every word/phrase and tie myself to the phone hoping he'll call. And I won't. I'll stop that now. Right now.
So D and I rescheduled for Wednesday, slyly bypassing Valentine's Day on Tuesday. Good move.

Last night was the Underground Dyke Ball hosted in Dower. It was an amazing production, with the highlight possibly being that Campus Po had no way of breaking up the party because technically nothing was going on. It was already swinging when we arrived at about 11, properly wasted and ready to dance. The place was packed, the tiny "dancing floor"/ie Dower's living room was crowded and overheated. But it was the making of a great Dyke Ball. B showed up with JJ, H, and other rowers including G who I was especially interested in seeing that night. There was a lot of dancing and I think there's a mutual attraction, but I don't know if I'm just imagining things because of wishful thinking. Why am I attracted to G? And do I really want something to come out of this?

Strangeness. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the new developments from this past week.

A shout out: Happy 19th Birthday to my little sister, M!

Currently procrastinating from: Finishing my summer fellowship applications. I hate writing personal essays.

Currently listening to: Kelly Clarkson


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