Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Woody Allen, eat my shorts

Match Point is possibly the worst date movie you could go on. I know this because I walked out of it tonight.
But I guess I should first set up the scene. The movie, if you haven't already seen it, is about an affair Jonathan R-M has with Scarlett Johansson. So right away you know there's hot and heavy action going on. However, I carelessly didn't realize that when I chose the movie for tonight. I just wanted to go to the movies, have minimal talking, and end the date. But no, D wanted to meet earlier to talk over coffee first, then the theater is completely empty so we can talk all we want, and all this time you have sensual SJ getting eaten up by J R-M. It also didn't help that I knew I wanted to stop seeing D even before tonight. However, B thought it would be a good idea to see him. Note to self: Do not go by B's advice on guys.
Instead, I uncomfortably fidgeted in my chair as D got closer and closer to me. I put on the telltale signs (or at least what I would think are): my arms were crossed, my legs were crossed away from him, I made minimal eye contact, etc. I was trying to make a point! And all this time I'm cursing Woody Allen for making this movie. So finally I made a lame excuse about how this was a horrible movie and that we should leave. He was up for it and finally FINALLY I got back home. Of course, not before I had to pull the "let me check my calendar" stunt about meeting up on Sunday. I hate not being straightforward. I always prided myself in being straightforward, but do you know how incredibly difficult it is to be when you're in a situation like that. How do I explain that "No, I'm not interested in you, D. In fact I'm deciding between two other options right now, which, coincidentally, don't include you."? Awkward awkward awkward. So now I have to deal with calling him and canceling on him over the phone. I hate to do that. How do I go about doing this? Is there no way of avoiding the awkwardness?
That's it. No more dating for me.

Oh, in other news: I called G. I had to let it out and talk. I'm still shaking from our conversation, but it's good. It's very good.

Procrastinating from: some HIST 251 reading, but it's not due till Friday. Anyways, I've got way too much on my mind right now. Ha!


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