Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"You love me, you really love me!"

I had a great Sally Field moment today when I realized I'm not a complete bum and people actually think highly of me. Well, enough that I'm offered two summer fellowship positions and a summer job on Nantucket. So I'm not a complete waste of space and failure. Good. This does wonders to my self-esteem.

So yes, I got accepted into the Historic Deerfield Summer Fellowship today! Heard back via email (after sitting by the phone all day) right before I went to the Balkin lecture. I've got to admit though, while I was pleasantly surprised by the acceptance, I wasn't completely shocked. I knew I had a pretty good chance (50/50) but also I knew my credentials were pretty good. This may be pretty ass-shitty arrogant of me, but whatevs, I did think I was highly qualifed for it.
So now this means I've got to turn down the other fellowship, which I accepted on Thursday. Yeah, it probably wasn't the most ethical move to accept that position when I knew I would take the Deerfield position over it if I heard back I'd gotten in. But on my defense, I was backed into an unfortunate corner, and I was adviced by several people to go ahead and take the offer. While I'm glad I got into HD, I feel pretty shitty with what I'll be doing tomorrow (today) morning.

In other news, Happy 22nd Birthday to me! I can't believe I'm twenty-two already. I want to be the eternal 21 year-old.

Currently listening to: Goo Goo Dolls, "Name"

Currently procrastinating from: SLEEP. And some HIST 251 work.


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