I wish it were easier
So another loss. Why is it so hard to find a good guy? I meet this seemingly wonderful guy who could potentially be boyfriend-material, and who knows, maybe even The One. But no, he has a girlfriend, or at least I'm pretty sure of. Really though, it was an immediate attraction which I surprisingly didn't have with anyone else. And that's with me being around 20+ guys for 4 days straight. I don't know. I know I was only kidding myself thinking there was a possibility, but it was still fun to hype it up and think positively. However, I felt like shit this afternooon after I realized there wasn't a chance. Why can't I just land a good guy? Huh???
I don't mean to rant, it's just a worn out, emotional fatigue of a cycle I go through with every (non) potential S.O. I always manage to hype myself up thinking there's a chance, only to realize that there's really no possibility at all. I am a failure when it comes to meeting guys, I admit. I don't have the experience, nor the wherewithal. Lacking any real guy experience puts a serious dent in my potential. Sometimes I wish I were just a guy because it must be so much easier. You would have girls falling over you all the time, because no matter what, girls always want a relationship more. All guys have to do is give in to the possibility. And also guys would never over analyze every experience, moment, or glance. They just live it. Why can't I do that?
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