Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Home for T-day

I arrived home today after driving about 8hrs with my friend, which wasn't as long as I thought. Apparently, we also just missed a huge tank explosion in the pre-dawn hours on I-95. Thank goodness. So now I'm home in all its goodness. I arrived to find the kittens all grown up, good food, M back from college, and best of all, cable instead of dial-up. Hot damn, this is soooo much better.

On the drive down last night J called. Yeah! We talked, schmoozed, and basically shot the breeze. Also, I explained the "500 in 5 days" challenge which a bunch of the ruggers are doing. So the challenge is to do 500 pushups in 5 days - which I think is totally doable, as long as you space it out reasonably and not try to do 100 at one time. If you do, say 20 every 2 hours, then presto, you'll be done. Of course, that's not saying that I'll be doing them. No siree. My wrist is still in pain. Still after a month since injury; but I think it's because I've been overworking it. I just want to get better. Now. But I've got to lay off on it.

So I got the notice that my packages arrived (No, not those packages, you dirty people), my Apple purchases! My ibook's in! And I'm not on campus! Oh the luck. Of course, the day after I leave my package arrives. Well, at least I'll have a nice little surprise for me when I get back on Saturday. Eeerrrr, however I'll have to wait until Monday to pick them up since the PO doesn't open till Monday. Damn. But I went ahead and bought a wireless mouse to go with the notebook; I'm sure it'll be useful. I'm so giddy!

Now... I'm off to lay around and be a bum at my 'rents' house. Mmmmm Thanksgiving goodness.

Currently reading: Someone's posted a Harry Potter GoF mockery on livejournal. SO funny.

Currently procrastinating from: Absolutely nothing!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

One foot out the door

Literally, I'm about outta here because it is finally Thanksgiving Break. Unbelievable, but we are actually done with this semester. Just another month to go...

It's been plenty eventful since my last post. Let's see, so this has happened since: the Vikings won 2 games, bought an iBook, purchased my first suit, took my ARTH midterm, saw HP Goblet of Fire, and almost got into a fist fight with a fy. Yes, that last one is true, I seriously almost got into an altercation with a fucking bitch. But I don't want to repeat the story here because it'll only get me more worked up and I'm riled up enough as it is. Let's focus on the good: Vikings beat Packers! Take that Brett Farve (although, really, I have nothing but praise for him usually. Just not when he plays my team). Unfortunately J wasn't here to watch together. Instead I was in a room full of people who don't normally watch football - and it's just not the same without someone there to talk with. J ended up calling me and we talked for a good 20 minutes while the game was going on but B finally took the phone away from me and said I was being rude. Well, I guess I was but I really liked talking with J.

I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Wow - I was very pleased with it, which I was expecting it to. I was highly anticipating it and it didn't disappoint. I don't want to ruin the just-watched-it feeling by pointing out the bad (as O typically does). I think I enjoyed this movie more than the 3rd one, perhaps because this is more mature? The PG-13 rating was well deserved as it was freaky at some parts. I loved that they had so much Fred+George in this one (and one definetly is cuter than the other one, weird). Cedric was not the same as I pictured it but I liked Cho Chang. I liked the movie because it was so mature. I know I already said this, but I feel the series has finally successfully moved away from the kiddie movie genre and gotten into the deep darkness that is really Harry Potter. I will definetly watch it again.

It happened again today. I felt so down again when I realized how much I was missing out on my college days. It's this rut I get into - I feel as if I could be doing so much more and enjoying my time here more than I am. But that's usually a result of comparing myself to someone else, usually T.F. and I've got to stop that, because frankly, I'm not them. And there's a reason why I'm not spending as much time with T.F. as before. I just hate how I have to constantly remind myself that though. I just wish I was completely content with myself and my situation so that I don't have to revert back to these nasty feelings. They just make me feel crummy and unworthy.

Currently reading: Washington Post article about DeLay's ex-aide pleading guilty to charges of fraud. Damn these guys. However, I'm sure other than a slap on the wrist nothing else will amount to much. Will this stop others from corrupting and taking advantage of others? No way, Jose.

Currently listening to: some Pat McGee

Currently procrastinating from: nothing really, since I'm going home tomorrow. Whee!

Monday, November 14, 2005

First one!

As so many great things are formed, I started this blog purely out of procrastination. OK, so that's not entirely true; recently I've been wanting a place to vent and ramble. So here it is. My. very. first. blog.

Currently procrastinating from: My Art History mid-term essay. I've got 2.5 out of the 4 essays prepped. Now it's a matter of motivating myself to finishing them before I crash.