Monday, May 19, 2008

Growing up

It's always bittersweet to see the updates of my high school friends on Facebook. It's so interesting to see where old friends are, where they are in their lives. And at the same time, I see where they are in their lives (getting married, in grad school) and it's making me realize how little I've done since graduating. It's now been 2 years and I haven't changed that much since coming out of Wellesley. The highlight was the Deerfield fellowship, and now I'm still at my same job for 2 years. Which isn't bad. It's great for stability and I wouldn't want that taken away from me. Yet, I guess I'm feeling remorse that I don't have something more to show - like being in a committed relationship, or working towards a degree, or building a home, or something like that. And then another part of me realizes that I'm still 24 years old - I'm still in my early 20s (barely) - and this is the time to dwaddle if there ever is a time. How grown up do I want to be? All the grown up responsibilities I'm dealing with - paying bills, loans, worrying about car insurance - is as much responsibility I can handle. Do I need more? But maybe it's not necessarily "growing up" I'm unsatisfied with, perhaps it's more of a life change - or evolution - I'm looking for. That's probably the better term. I feel I'm still in a rut. And while I don't necessarily need to be a grown up to alter that, I do want to move on to my next phase in life, whatever that may be. (Pole dancer?)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Buchholz, Ellsbury, and Lowrie

Quick update here. Ah! This actually happened over 24 hours ago but I didn't have my computer to blog about my experience. I saw, met, and talked to... Ellsbury, Buchholz, and Lowrie (we think the 3rd one was Lowrie) at Panera Bread on Nicollet Street in Minneapolis, MN. What an amazing experience! There I was, refilling my coffee cup before leaving, and I see past the coffee counter this guy and we make eye contact several times. I keep on looking at him and he keeps looking at me. And I remember thinking that he looks vaguely familiar, even almost like that pitcher for the Red Sox. I'm about to leave with Christine and we walk right by him and his buddies. I'm still thinking that it might be Buchholz, but I'm not sure so I'm about to follow Christine out. However, I see the back of Ellsbury and I'm sure I know who these guys are. Of course, I can't miss my chance and I walk back out to say hello and fulfill the crazed-fan act by gushing about how much I liked them. Unfortunately, I was interrupting their lunch and I felt bad about interrupting them. I think they were uncomfortable for the most part, and they were nice enough to not tell me to scram. Sigh. what an incredible feeling.

- definitely could tell it was Buchholz from the eyes down, but the hair threw me off. I don't think I've ever seen him without his hat.
- Buchholz is just as angular in person as he looks on TV.
- Ellsbury looks just as cute in person as he looks on TV.
- OK, so I thought it was 4 guys, but apparently the one in the corner laughing was really just a random guy laughing at me/us.
- Ellsbury is shorter than expected, at least he's shorter than Buchholz.