Thursday, March 09, 2006

Dah dah dah

You remember that commercial Volkswagan put on a few years ago where all it was was "dah dah dah" during the entire commercial? That's how I feel right now.

Yeah for two posts in one week! I rock!

Well, I just finished posting my HIST 251 question on FC (on time, thank you very much) so now I feel like I have all the time in the world. And I'll spend some of it here.

In these past 3 weeks I've had so much fun hanging out with G. She and I have been getting along very well for the most part. It's quite weird, actually, just how well we're getting along. Is this secretly a bad sign? Because if it is, I'm going to sob because I have so much fun with her. I'm leaving for NY tomorrow night and while I should be freaking excited, I'm also kinda subdued at the thought of not getting to spend the weekend with her.


Today's internship was pretty good, the best one yet. I only almost nodded off once today (a very good sign, trust me). I got to handle actual collection pieces - all by myself. I'm a big kid now! But it was such delicate and interesting work that I was completely engrossed in it. Also, I got to spend some time speaking with Mike, which was fun. He seems like a neat guy, although I'm still trying to figure out if he's gay or not. Either way, he smells nice. And not in that cologne-y way, but in a nice natural way. Oooh, does it make me weird that I pay a lot of attention to how people smell? And Craig is just fun. He's a nice guy, funny in his own way. Joanne is a hoot - I really like her. She's very personable and easy to laugh with. I love lunch time at the office. It's my favorite part of the day, and not because we don't have to work for an hour which is nice, but because I get to observe all the staff engage with one another. It's fun to watch all these people whom I respect so much academically be real people for an hour and talk about some of the most innane stuff. Like today we talked about abandoned property. Who knew there were such things? Or about the origin of the word "grapefruit." Or about shower suction mats and octupus tentacles and Craig messing with Michaela's avocado. So much fun.

Ok, I'm now going to go waste 3 more hours of my life as I get ready to pack and procrastinate the night away.

Currently listening to: stupid conversations outside my room by my hallmates. Some of them are cool, but most of them are not.

Currently procrastinating from: packing for my NY trip.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Because life becomes hectic when you're in a relationship

Yep, it's been awhile. Yep, I've neglected my blogger duties. Well, much has been going on and I have had no time to update this site. Some updates:
G and I are seeing each other. And then the other night we had the "talk" about what we wanted to call each other and this relationship. To tell you the truth, the convo kinda freaked me out because I wasn't sure what I wanted to call this. I'm still on the line about whether I want to be totally public about this. It's wrong to pull G along without being totally honest, so I'm hoping to figure out what I want from this relationship ASAP.

Senior Week has been announced! Events include visiting Mohegan Sun, doing a pub crawl, going to Six Flags, and the all-important SENIOR GALA which I am so excited for. It'll be held in Fairmont Hotel which is apparently a very swanky hotel and ohlala, I can't wait! I've seen the pictures and the place look gorgeous. Wow, having graduation info announced this week is scary because that means graduation and leaving Wellesley is that much closer. And I still have no job. Poor me.

I am going to the Bahamas - as of today. I really thought I wouldn't be going anywhere this year (again) but somehow RZ decided she wanted to go with me. Cool! Whatevs, I'm totally happy to have a traveling buddy because I was thisclose to going by myself. Well, perhaps not that close but I really did want to go. I was kinda pissed that AP and LO dropped out of me last minute and I was left scrambling for Spring Break plans. Well, I've booked the flights already but seriously, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and RZ to back out on me. Of course, I'll have a $700 charge on my freakin' card and with no one to go with me. What the hell!? Alright, I should be more optimistic and know that she'll keep her word. I really hope so. Cause going to the Bahamas would be AWESOME!

OK, so apparently AD is a freak-o. I knew he had a Wellesley roommate but I thought the chances of running into her was slim. And um, how would that conversation start? "Hi! So you live off-campus? Do you live with a guy named AD?" Yeah, no. But funnily enough, that pretty much happened. I sat down for lunch with Dub and a friend of hers. Her friend starting telling us her horrid story about her roommate who was a maniac and attacked their other roommate and had to be forced out of the apartment. And then she mentioned something that triggered me to think, "Oh my gosh - she's roommates with AD!" And yes, she was. Ohmyfreakinglord, then she revealed how much of a psycho he is, with his knife wielding, dog slapping, roommate punching personality of his. So I thought, yeah there's no way I'm speaking to him again. And then the next day (today) he called and left me a voicemail going on and on about how he recently moved out of his apartment and into his father's place because he wanted to "help his father out," wanted some "peace and quiet," and "to save money." Yeah, my ASS, AD! So, that'll be a fun convo to follow up on.

Currently watching: Conan O'Briiiiiiien! Damnit, he's not going to be my graduation speaker. Instead, it's Roald Dahl's daughter Ophelia Dahl. Who, you ask? Yeah, we asked the same question.

Currently procrastinating from: My HIST 306 book report, which I'm supposed to present to class tomorrow. Who does a freakin' book report in college? I seriously don't think I had to do one since 5th grade.