Friday, November 10, 2006

Not quite finished yet

So I want to do this blogging thing more regularly. I like to be able to go back and remember what I've done. Or at least to see how little my life has changed so I can wallow in my self pity.

So now that I've started work, successfully made rent for 3 months, and managed to survive on my own since June, I think it's about time to start a new phase in my life: Phase: Boyfriend. Yes, I've said it. I need a man in my life. I need some physical contact and attraction and the gitty feeling of first dates. I miss it desperately, not that I've got much to miss, but I know what I want now. I was too proud before to admit that I wanted a relationship but I've come around to finally accept it. So, it's out there - find me a man!

How desperate do I sound?

Wait, don't answer that.

So, I'm trying the CL thing (again). I just signed Christine up for a account and almost did it myself. But no, I'm drawing the line at paying for services to hook me up. I'm not quite THAT desperate yet, no matter what thy reader thinks. Ha, but give me two months and who knows where I'll be.

Currently listening to: tomato commericals on late-night tv

Currently procrastinating from: sleep


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