Thursday, April 02, 2009

Happy birthday to me

I had a moment on the bus today. I saw the date flash on the neon sign...April 2, 2009. Just a few hours before I turn 25. A quarter century old. And I almost felt like crying. I felt overwhelmed. It was a moment where all my concerns and failings seemed to surface, all at once. I decided to get off a stop before my usual stop because I needed to walk a little bit. Very slowly. I came to the turnoff to my home and, instead of turning, I continued walking. I thought I'd walk until I felt satisfied, maybe drained of my emotions, or at least until the Harvest Co-op. Didn't want to go too far this late at night. But then I decided to run into CVS and pick up a prescription. Hey, I might as well do something useful while I'm clearing my head. When I got to the counter, the pharmacist taking my order had to look up my information on the database. She asked for my last name, my first name, and then my DOB. I told her 4/3/84. And then she said, "Hey, it's almost your birthday. My birthday is the 4th." That brought a chuckle to me, and that snapped me out of my funk. I wished her a happy birthday and left. I guess I just needed a little bit of human contact.

So, here are my wishes for this birthday. There aren't quite 25 of them, but I'm sure I'll think of more...
1) Stop feeling sorry for myself
2) Join a gym!
3) Volunteer. And real volunteering, not fake ones
4) Cultivate better relationships
5) Plant a flower garden
6) Practice patience
7) Instead of fury, think of a calm response when faced with a situation that usually puts me in a rage
8) Find a career
9) Show appreciation to the people around me
10) Don't shy away from strangers. Be bolder
11) Be proactive rather than being passive, particularly when searching for a job
12) Have a drink by myself at a bar at least once. Stop feeling awkward
13) Update this blog more often. Keep a journal


Well, the rest will come to me later.

Currently listing to: The sounds of the 39 bus passing by
Currently procrastinating from: Eating dinner

Oh yeah, and 14) Stop procrastinating